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Firstly, although it's said that heroes are not judged by their birth, in reality, the environment of upbringing plays a decisive foundational role in one's life journey. Take for example two individuals of the same cohort. One from a scholarly family in a first-tier city, the other from a remote small village. Can you be certain their future achievements will be exactly the same? Of course not. Even if both excel in studies, the one from the scholarly family is likely to achieve more, given the resources at their disposal. Do you see my point? Secondly, the choices you face at similar life stages will also differ. At a crossroad, one might choose to start a business, while another opts for a corporate job. At this juncture, fate's wheels start to turn, and the experiences you encounter will vary. There are many such decisions in life, and even if two people started from the same point, who could always choose alike? Finally, to answer the question that might arise from this discussion: what's the use in reading one's astrological chart? While it may not predict stardom for everyone, it can point out the timing of opportunities. For instance, if next year's fortune looks promising, it's a signal to double your efforts and work hard!
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Guys, does Loma have an API yet? I went to bed early last night and didn't look into this. If there ...
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There is a saying that goes: 'The comfort of twilight years is foreshadowed at fifty-five.' It impli...
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At the age of 60, often referred to as the critical period for determining longevity, it becomes mor...
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At 60, known as the lifespan defining period, start paying more attention to healthy living habits, ...