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For 'Choosing luxury brand factories, displaying videos of large cargo containers, and certifications': Include pictures of modern large factory workshops with workers busily producing alongside cargo containers filled with goods, and close-ups of various quality certification certificates. 'Material Selection': Show a comparison of poor-quality packaging materials, like deformed packaging boxes with peeling craftsmanship, against high-quality, sturdy packaging materials. 'Paper Selection According to the Render': Include beautifully designed packaging renders next to paper samples like coated paper and art paper, showcasing the differences in printing effects. Also display scenes of a design-savvy boss communicating with clients. 'Scratch-Resistant Laminating Film': Show a beautifully printed full-color packaging paper, next to images of worker errors causing scratches, as well as a comparison with the packaging paper looking smooth and perfect after the scratch-resistant film is applied. For the 'Do Not' section, include 'Avoid strong-smelling inner linings': An open packaging box with a pungent-smelling EVA lining, compared with environmentally friendly, upscale linings like pearl cotton stickers, blister + flocking, and greyboard stickers. 'Positioning Conquers the World': Show scenes of customers at high-end brand counters choosing among various style samples and giving feedback, as well as new companies conducting market research both online and offline. Overall Feature some exquisite finished brand packaging images, showcasing various high-end, unique packaging designs, as well as packaging professionals communicating with clients about packaging plans and directing the production scene on-site.
God said, let there be AI, and so, if you don't understand, never mind, just go on chatgpt, one sent...
Brothers, three days have almost passed and not a single line of code has been written. The matter o...
Brothers, almost three days have passed and I haven't written a single line of code. The goal of mak...
Brothers, almost three days have passed, and not a single line of code has been written. The prospec...