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1. Establish an Emergency Command Center: Lead by the main person in charge at the location of the First Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, with heads of relevant departments as members, to command and coordinate emergency rescue operations. 2. Information Reporting: In the event of an unforeseen incident, the emergency command center must immediately activate its emergency plan and swiftly report to the local government and higher authorities, ensuring information is timely and accurate. 3. Personnel Evacuation: Promptly organize the evacuation of personnel from the First Congress site, to avoid casualties. Injured individuals should be immediately attended to and treated.
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An adorable potato has become sentient, turned into a beloved companion of humans, and has become a ...
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Brothers, are you still sleeping? Don't sleep, get up and write code....
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Being a developer from China is really tough. Getting money is hard, which I can understand. But dam...
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The people of Luma are indeed not very adept at math....