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Feeling nostalgic, it's been seven years and some students' parents still remember me, their children's music enlightenment teacher. Xiao V, a student from the county town of my hometown, was about five or six when we met. His sun-tanned Guangdong skin contrasted against his off-white short sleeve, his voice husky and his Cantonese unaffected, he had a cool haircut like the one from 'Triumph in the Skies'. What's memorable is how he held the ukulele for a C chord, quite abstract... Yet, he enjoyed my classes so much that when I moved to Beijing, he talked about cycling (or was it taking the train?) from Guangdong to find me. In the blink of an eye, he got accepted into a high school. Recently, he shared his good news with me, with offers from schools in Changsha, Hunan, and Nanning, Guangxi, and sought my advice. Naturally, I recommended the former, as Changsha is more vibrant, enhanced by the presence of the Mango TV station. I had inspected Changsha in person and found its musicianship and atmosphere more lively compared to the Guangdong-Guangxi region. Gone are the days when Guangzhou was the epicenter of pop music. So, I suggested heading north over going west. Before obtaining an acceptance from an arts school, Xiao V's mother was extremely worried because the arts school in our county set a new record for the entrance score, with a baseline of 600 points for the high school section, but he only had around 500. Previously, instrument proficiency could add up to 50 points, but now it was just above 20, which meant he lacked over 20 points. Moreover, he needed to pass the basic sight-singing, ear training, and vocal tests. Despite being excellent at playing the ukulele and drums, he was tonedeaf, which affected his baseline score, forcing him to look for arts schools outside our province. Fortunately, he found one, with a major in percussion.
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Time is something that catches you off guard. In the blink of an eye, the end of 2023 is upon us. Wh...
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Life is like a book, where opening it reveals stories, and closing it turns to memories. If it's not...
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Creating a product requires a good mentality, will you let a technical issue affect your mood, or wi...
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My life is like walking on thin ice, you say, can I make it to the other side?...