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Bi Shumin once said: "Some things are not better the stronger they are; they should be just right. Deep words, let us speak them lightly, long roads, let us walk slowly." Learning to maintain a sense of boundaries with life means to do everything in moderation, not letting personal preferences dictate. When it's time to act, do so immediately; when it's time to rest, rest without letting the brain make impulsive, emotional choices. Keep clear cognition, retain sober thinking, without overstepping or overdoing. Only then can life be comfortable and progress steadily. As Li Xue wrote in 'Limited Liability Family': "A truly confident person living authentically interacts with others in a 'you're okay, I'm okay' fashion; both offer mutual companionship while shining individually. Even if there is a difference in external accomplishments, there's mutual respect and appreciation, allowing each to bloom with vitality." The best boundary in life is to maintain several good habits daily and to have a few compatible friends to grow with. Often, it's by maintaining an ordinary mindset and cultivating oneself in tranquility that one uncovers life's beauty and protects the most authentic self. In life, maintain a sense of boundaries. 'Becoming Jane Austen' says: "Don't lose yourself in front of anything, not doctrines, not the gaze of others, not even love." The most important thing in life is to live a true and noble self. Undoubtedly, to achieve such a goal, we must have enough courage to know ourselves, to explore the world. Then raise our cognition, continuously transform and improve ourselves, to ultimately achieve self-realization. Thus, we become more mature and more aware of boundaries. Author Ted Chiang said: "Maturity means seeing differences but also realizing that differences are not that important." A mature person has a perspective, can always see differences and also embrace them, using a sense reactively to understand and tolerate everything. As Russian writer Bondarev said: "The root of all human suffering is the lack of a sense of boundaries." May you maintain a sense of boundaries in life, among friends, in front of loved ones, in everything—keeping the distance. So that you control yourself, master life, and dominate your life path.
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